BC548 NPN Transistor BJT
The BC548 transistor is a general-purpose device, it is a low power, low current electronic device, which had more applications at our common appliances.The peak current gain of the BC548 transistor is 110 to 800hFE, the gain value is very important at applications like an amplifier and the BC548 is apt for the amplifier circuits.The maximum collector current at BC548 transistor is noted as 100mA, the current value indicates the maximum load allowed for the device, most of the applications using transistor will refer to this value.
BC548 pinout
Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 Collector Current flow through the collector
2 Base Triggers the device
3 Emitter Current flows through the emitter
- Bi-Polar NPN Transistor
- DC Current Gain (hFE) is 800 maximum
- Continuous Collector current (IC) is 500mA
- Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 5V
- Base Current(IB) is 5mA maximum
- Available in To-92 Package
- It is a general-purpose NPN Transistor
- DC Current Gain range is 110 to 800hFE
- Collector current (IC) is 100mA
- Collector to base Voltage (VCB) is 60V
- Collector to emitter voltage (VCE) is 30v
- Emitter to base voltage (VEB) is 5V
- Junction temperature (TJ) is 150°C
- Power dissipation at the transistor is 500mW
- Transition frequency (FT) is 300MHz
Package Include
- 1x BC548 NPN Transistor BJT
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Sarosh Siddiqui –
King Khalid University Computer Sciences College (verified owner) –
King Khalid University Computer Sciences College –