Note: The client will receive a link to download the CD content when purchasing the kit on his e-mail and on his account page that because most modern computers do not support the CD input.
Whether you are a beginner or already have experience with Arduino under your belt, This Starter KIT for Arduino by will be a fun way to expand your knowledge.
Building some creative and simple projects is a great way to walk through coding and basic electronic circuits knowledge.
This kit includes everything you need to get started with electronics using an Arduino and a lot of things that will take you from a beginner to an enthusiast. It includes all of the basics: an UNO board, breadboard, cables, LEDs, resistors, and pushbutton switches.
Great for robot prototyping: Includes Servo motor, Ultrasonic sensor, Relay, LCD module and etc. Useful component kits: RFID kit, water sensor for an auto-planting project.
Note: The contents of This Starter KIT are like the ones shown in the picture below and the description in the contents of the shipment below.
Features :
- All-in-one kit, a great starter kit for learning to code.
- Great for Starting with Arduino Programming
- Variety of components are included in this pack to try out different projects.
- UNO Specs:
- Model Type: UNO Rev R3
- Microcontroller Chip: ATmega328
- Input Voltage(Recommended): 7-12V
- Input Voltage (limit): 6-20V
- Operating Voltage: 5
- Analog I/O Pins: 6
- Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
- PWM Digital I/O Pins: 6
- DC Current per I/O Pin: DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA; DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
- Clock Speed: 16 MHz
- EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
- Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
- PWM Output Pins: 6
- SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
- Power Supply Option: DC Jack or USB
- On Board LEDs: Yes
- Operating Temperature (°C): -40 to +90
- Dimensions in mm (LxWxH): 75 x 54 x 12
- Weight (gm): 26
Package Includes :
- 1pcs Arduino UNO
- 1pcs High Quality Retail Box
- 1pcs USB Cable
- 1pcs 65 Jumper Wires
- 1pcs 400 Point BREADBOARD
- 1pcs Extension Plate Containing Breadboard Plate
- 1pcs 9V 1A Adapter
- 1pcs MPU 6050 Gyroscope Module
- 1pcs Hc-sr04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
- 1pcs UNL2003 Driver Board
- 1pcs DC Motor
- 1pcs 5V Stepper Motor
- 1pcs SG90 Servo Motor
- 1pcs LCD1602 Without Back Light
- 1pcs PS Game Joystick Module
- 1pcs One Road Relay Module 5V, 10A
- 1pcs 9V Battery Connector
- 1pcs RGB led CC
- 25pcs LED (White,Red, Green, Yellow,Blue)
- Cartoon Ultrasonic Sensor Bracket for HC-SR04
- 100pcs Resistance(10R,100R,220R,330R,1K,2K,5.1K, 10K, 100K,1M)
- 5pcs PN2222 , BC547 and BC557
- 5pcs 1n4001 Diodes
- 1pcs Thermister
- 5pcs 22pf and 1uf Capacitor
- 2pcs 50V 10uf Capacitor and 50V 100UF Capacitor
- 2pcs 50K Potentiometer
- 1pcs Passive Buzzer
- 1pcs Active Buzzer
- 1pcs 74HC595N
- 1pcs MAX7219
- 1pcs L293D
- 1pcs Infrared receiving head
- 2pcs 5mm LDR
- 5pcs Button Switch
- 1pcs IR remote control
- 1pcs one digit 7-Segment Display
- 1pcs four digit 7-Segment Display
- 1pcs four digital tube
- 1pcs 8*8 dot matrix tube
- 1pcs US1881 TO-92
- 6pcswire (Male to Female)
Taher Saad (verified owner) –
Taher Saad –
محمد (verified owner) –
محمد –
مشاعل الجعفري (verified owner) –
الخدمه ممتازه توصيل في وقت قياسي البوكس مرتب ومنظم قيد التجربه وإنشاء الله مو آخر تعامل ❤️
مشاعل الجعفري –
ielectrony Support Team (store manager) –
عزيزتنا مشاعل
شكراًلإختيارك متجرنا وشكراً وعلى هذا التقييم الجميل الذي يعني لنا الكثير
ننتظرك في مرات قادمة 🩵
ielectrony Support Team –
مجهول (verified owner) –
مجهول –
مجهول (verified owner) –
مجهول –
حمزة (verified owner) –
حمزة –
hajer Alwadei (verified owner) –
hajer Alwadei –
Lama A. (verified owner) –
وصلني كل شي بحالة جيدة لكن مقسم الشنطة لم يصل الا واحد فقط و القطع الحساسة وصلت مغلفة كل على حدى شي جميل و مرتب
Lama A. –
ielectrony Support Team (store manager) –
نشكرك على تقييمك ومشاركة رأيك ، بالنسبة للمقسم الحقيبة البلاستيكي فإن هذه الحقيبة تأتي مصممة بمقسم واحد وذلك لتتوافق مع عدد وحجم القطع الموجودة فيها .
ielectrony Support Team –
مازن صديق (verified owner) –
الحقيبة ممتازة وياريت يتم وضع كتيب تعليمات
مازن صديق –
ielectrony Support Team (store manager) –
شكراً لك عزيزنا مازن ، بالفعل عند شراء الحقيبة يتم ارسال رابط للتحميل يحتوي على كتيب للمشاريع على بريدك الالكتروني وايضا من خلال صفحة حسابك داخل منطقة الطلبات.
ielectrony Support Team –
طارق (verified owner) –
جميلة وانصح فيها حتى لو ماتعرف عن البرمجة
طارق –