Note: When you purchase this Kit, you will receive an educational e-book for a great selection of projects, The link to the book will be automatically sent to the customer’s e-mail address, and it will also be available on the customer’s account page, the orders section
Product Name
ielectrony Uno Upgraded Integrated Learning Kit
Product Description
A superior set of electronics components perfect for anyone using Arduino, Raspberry Pi
Package Include
- 1 x 5V Stepper Motor
- 1 x 5V Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1 x 1602LCD screen
- 1 x three-color patch
- 10 x large buttons
- 1 x ProtoShield (with breadboard)
- 1 x Water Level Sensor
- 1 x Baking Wire * 65
- 5 x small buttons
- 1 x IR Receiver
- 1 x LM35 Element
- 1 x Flame Element
- 1 x mmhg element
- 1 x Sensitive Element
- 1 x RFID Panel
- 1 x Keychain
- 1 x 1 * 8 Pin Header
- 1 x 5k adjustable potentiometer
- 1 x HHC Mini Driver
- 1 x SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1 x Four digit digital tube
- 2 x Digital Tube a
- 1 x 8 * 8 dot matrix
- 6xF5 white LED
- 10 xF5 yellow LED
- 10 xF5 LED green
- 10 x F5 red LED
- 1 x Black Rocking Chair
- 1 x UN0 R3
- 1 x white card
- 1 x USB cable
- 1 x Active Buzzer Element
- 1 x Passive Buzzer Element
- 1 x 10k adjustable potentiometer
- 1 x MAX7219 IC
- 1 x 9g servo
- 1 single 5V relay
- 1 x Female to Female Dupont Line 10/row
- 1 x 830 hole punch
- 1 x 6 AA battery box
- 1 x 595IC
- 1 x 4 x 4 button film
- 5 x 1k resistor
- 5 x 10k resistor
- 8 x 220R resistor
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